Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Weapon Of Choice

Actor Christopher Walken is so smoooth in this video for Fatboy Slim

Steve Goodman - Cubs Fan Song

If you are a Cub fan - you will understand this song...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Microsoft CEO Goes NUTS!

Who says that people at Microsoft are stuffy. Here is Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft at a company "Pep Rally"......

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mahir Cagri - I Kiss You!

Mahir Cagri, a resident of İzmir, Turkey, became an Internet celebrity in 1999. His picture-laden personal homepage, which exclaimed in broken English his love of the accordion and travel, was visited by millions and spawned numerous fansites and parodies. He is said to be the "Original Borat" and is taking legal action to protect his interests....

Resume : Impossible Is Nothing!

Aleksey Vayner a graduating student at Yale (and self described CEO / Professional athlete), applied to UBS AG to become a Stock Broker with an 11-page resume and the attached video.... He did not get the job, but achieved Wall Street fame as this video spread quickly - Apparently no one is looking to hire such a humble person.....

Friday, February 23, 2007

Classical Guitar Rant

Rob Paravonian goes on a RANT about Pachelbel's "Canon in D"- FUNNY!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Animator vs Animation - Part 2

Alan Becker brings the stick figure back… and this time it's personal. In this episode, victim becomes victimizer as he breaks out of Flash and takes on mighty opponents like Firefox, the AOL IM guy and the Photoshop* icon. Please see Part 1 for more background info...

Animator vs Animation - Part 1

Created by Alan Becker. Program being shown - Flash 7.0

Net Neutrality

Watch this video - Very Important Topic!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

3 years In 3 Minutes

Girl takes one picture a day everyday for three years...

What Teachers Make

Dedicated to C.S and all Teachers.......

Poet: Taylor Mali

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Paula Is "Wasted"

I hope she did not drive to the TV studio that day!

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Kings Of MySpace

Geeky teens explain

Ask A Ninja - Podcasting

Ask a Ninja. One of the biggest internet phenoms. Here we feature the Ninja explaining Podcasting.......

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Web 2.0 In Under 5 Minutes

Thanks to Audry at MC for discovering this video. Watch it a few times,don't try to remember all the technical stuff. All the video is showing is how quickly the internet is progressing. The progress is being accelerated primarily by its increasing ability to combine (mash) database driven sources into producer/user/viewer friendly web interfaces. - THIS IS WEB 2.0!

PRODUCED BY: Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology. Kansas State University

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Free To Wear Sunscreen

As the story goes,written by Mary Schmich, a writer at the Chicago Tribune. Described by Mary as" the commencement address she would give if she were asked to give one." "Wear Sunscreen" was later set to music by Baz Luhrman, an Australian Director.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Cartoon Guy Shuts Down Boston!

This is the video of the installation of the graffiti light installation in Boston by Interference Information Network. In case you did not hear the Boston city government thought they were bombs,and pretty much shut down the city....

GREAT HYPE! - (They may not admit it,but you just know the client is loving it)

Viral Video Guru

Viral Video Czar Kevin Nalts shares his inspiration on what makes him an undiscovered legend of viral video. Visit him HERE