Thursday, January 25, 2007

Comcast Guy Sleeping On Job

Not real good PR for Comcast... I wonder if this guy still works for them?

Accidentally Famous

Shortly after the Apple vs. Apple case decision, The BBC decided to bring on a technology expert to discuss the outcome. Somehow, a cabbie that was supposed to be picking up the actual expert (Guy Kewney) managed to get put on the studio floor. Gotta give credit to the guy..he did pretty well considering he had no idea what he was supposed to be talking about!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Free Hugs

"Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life story of Juan Mann, A man whose sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives."

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Other Son

Jesus' brother Wesley away at college.....

Monday, January 15, 2007

RedRum Realty

I like this video - I don't know why...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Youtube Public Radio

A video "mash-up" of some of Youtube regulars. Note: Dwarfs are ALWAYS attention getters.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

God Inc.

A behind the scenes look at how the universe works.

By Writer / Filmmaker - Francis Stokes

The NEW Numa Numa

Our chubby Numa Numa friend Gary is back. This time he is a bit plumper and is promoting a Numa Numa contest!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


The ORIGINAL viral video. The video that started it all. Poor chubby kid finds a video camera set up at school. Of course he thinks no one will see him ham it up.... Yep, he forgets to take the tape out, the mean kids find it, post it on internet - the rest is history! Last I heard there was a law suit and the kid and had to transfer out of the school. Countless tribute videos have sprouted up.

Is He Drunk?

Actual footage of some guy busted for DUI. I hope he gets a good lawer. YIKES!

Faith Hill Is PISSED OFF!

From some music award show. Faith Hill thought she had it won...... OOOOOPS! Not very good for her rep. She later said she was kidding - What do you think?

Note to Faith : That thing pointed at you is a CAMERA! people can see you...

Robot Dance

Some kind of school talent show. This video has been viewed over 5 MILLION times. The kid at the end is the best.

Napoleon Dynamite Dance

From the movie of the same name. Geeky kid "gets funky" saves the day etc. This movie has about a dozen classic clips in it - Buy it! Besides the John Travolta dance in Pulp Fiction, this is my favorite.

OK GO Treadmills

Low budget music video for band - OK Go. AMAZING response! over 10 MILLION views. This video is everywhere on the internet. Increased their album sales (and treadmill sales.)

Lonelygirl15 Series

Acrtess fooled just about every teenaged boy in the world by posing as an angst filled 15 year girl old and posting over 70+ videos. Millions of views later, turns out she is in her 20's and just trying to get into show biz. Latest word is she landed some kind of movie/TV deal - Good for you!

Cuppy Cake

Perhaps one of the strangest viral phenoms. The Cuppy Cake Song has spawned numerous tribute videos, this particular has over 1 MILLION hits and climbing! A complete mystery happening here....

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Star Wars Pope

Who would have known.... The Pope is a Jedi!

Creative : Adam Buxton

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Reach and Frequency

Created by Elvis & Boneparte Agency in Portland for advertising award show.... Dig the funky porn music!